Ioan - ecobeliefs.blogspot.com
Ecobeliefs - the visual project about the ancestral connection with Nature versus modern eco practices.
'Ecobeliefs' tries to visually project the evolution of the modern world through the eyes of the ancients and to reconnect the modern man's spirituality to Nature.
The ancient ritual will stand face to face to the environment volunteer to make the difference between mysticall connection with nature and modern personal responsability.
Is the fusion between beliefs and environmental protection possible?
*In pictures and short films
Open talk concerning the actual situation of our planet and the
“dangers” that are approaching:
Global Warming,2012,Extinction of the animal species,Human
society,Systems of belief,etc.
Spread in 3 days and themes:
1st day - A brief story about the real earth and human race history
2nd day - Human influences in Earth's equilibrium
3rd day - Solutions and alternative ways of living
The society we live in today has too many flaws to be ignored and
needs to be changed to fulfill her primary purpose : satisfying the
needs of the people who sustain its existence. The social structuring in
classes thru wealth means and the harsh reality of money as the measure of human
labour makes the individual as a person disappear and becomes just
a personality full of 'sin' and vices. Being ignorant and having a fake
sense of self esteem, the individual is fueling the system who is using different
ways of manipulation to give him the impression of a good life. This
way we forget our purpose in life and destiny being satisfied with
the perception that everything is ok. We live in times when our home
needs a saviour in each of us because the situation is too evolved to be ignored and pushed away.
The open talk will have as a purpose our unity in thought and word about our mother planet and its health. The spirit of Gaia needs our healing thoughts and energy. Namaste!
Fire Show - www.juggler.ro
~* PoiPoi diy workshop & juggling shop *~
Psytestudo visuals - www.myspace.com/psytestudo
Spacesheep - www.myspace.com/spacesheepcommunity
~* Expanding Conscience through natural art and land art *~
Shankara Lab - http://okujah.gallery.ru/watch?a=g7m-ATZ
~* & Great Help from :
~ luvluv fairys ~
~ Casa Armoniei ~
~ Mark's computer ~
~* In order to explore and crystalize different ways of expression in our vision, we are creating the Groove Circle, where musicians from different musical and cultural backgrounds are invited to gather and Tune In with the primal vibration, leave egoes outside and align for the creation of the Sound, the Spark that lights the fire in our hearts and spreads through Love in the world, creating a better place for All. Jam sessions, groovy sounds, sound experiments, cold and plugged, warm and distorted, you'll find them all unified in the Circle *~
~((((The Circle welcomes all artists and musicians with instruments/laptops/synths/kaospads/ ... and a sound to deliver))))~
Other themes and initiatives welcome