Revenim cu a doua editie a Rebirth cu tema Pamantului, vrand sa focalizam atentia pe elementul care semnifica si inceputul si sfarsitul, si deci viata in general, apropierea de el fiind esentiala pentru evolutia noastra in plan fizic cat si in plan spiritual prin ridicarea constiintei la nivelul sursei. pentru a gasi elementul asta intr-un cadru cat mai pur si mai curat, am ales ca locatie generala dealul sau muntele, expresii ale pamantului, urme ale vietii minerale la o scara fizico-temporala care ne apropie de conceptul de baza al vietii noastre, fugitiv si trecator, superficial prin comparatie. reglarea vibratiei noastre la cea a Pamantului este singura cale de a infige varful compasului spre gasirea drumului in vastul ocean al existentei, gasirea adevarului simplu, care zace in fiecare si asteapta sa fie inotat.
din pamant ne tragem, in pamant ne ducem, SUNTEM PAMANT!
We return with the second edition of the Rebirth:Elements series dedicated this year to the element Earth. This way, we want to focus everybody's attention to the element that symbolises the Beginning and the End, thus Life in general, getting closer to it being of great importance for our evolution in the physical as well as in the spiritual sphere through the rise of consciousness to the source level. In order to find this element in a pure and unspoiled environment, this year's festival will take place in the mountains, clear expressions of the Earth, traces of mineral life on a physical-temporal scale that brings us closer to the main character of our lives, fast and temporary, superficial in contrast. Tuning in with Earth's vibration is the only way to establish a point of reference for finding our way in the vast ocean of existence, finding the simple truth that lies within us and waits to be dived in.
From earth we come, in earth we go, WE ARE EARTH!
After last years' experience, when everbody contributed in building deco and the dancefloor, this year we decided to begin the festival with the part that's usually missing in today's festivals: people's participation. Bringing people together to take part of the Creation, putting Magic into practice, shaping our Creator Being in teamwork for a higher goal, this is the main idea in forming the spiritual base for a true Gathering. Having the Creation in front of you that you are part of, that rolls for days and brings people in such Heights of Beauty and Happiness, makes you experience a Katharsis, the true Revelation of Life.